Left little Wesley again for the night. Plan on going over to see him before church in the morning. Sure wish we could take him with us!
He is doing really well. We found out the portion of the one of two screens to watch today (the one of many monitoring him) to see when he is drawing his own breath rather than the machine doing it for him. He just did better and better as the day went on. I had already seen him taking some of his own breaths early in the afternoon and didn't even know what I was looking at! He sure is a tough little feller and ready to go home! We've had a rain storm every evening since we've been here, and I had to tell him tonight not to get used to it. I had to explain to him because, after all...there's been a rainstorm every evening for half his born life... :)
Also, on Mom and Dad's side of things (and Auntie Audrey too) we have been so blessed with places to stay and everyone wanting to help us in so many ways. We could almost move to Florida and have enough places to visit that we would never have to buy a home! Everyone has been so generous with their offerings of a place to stay, and we have had a few couples come bring us lunch over the past several days. We are again so grateful to everyone for everything, we will never be able to express it enough.
So then we say, goodnight and God bless.
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