Friday, August 26, 2011

And nowwwww....

My new jammies!
Pictures!! I know everybody has been wanting them and here you go folks! Mommy's figured out how to post from her phone but due to technical difficulties have not been able to post pics (supposed to be able to but no luck yet).

A quick update: he has been taking his bottles like a little champ! He didn't quite finish his noon feed but has taken all the rest today with stride. Asked a RT about his oxygen tonight and she said they may try to take it off tomorrow. He seems to be doing really well and his weight just came in at 6 lbs 14 ozs! He's being a very big boy and you can tell he's ready to go home to Texas!

So, as promised here they are!!


1 comment:

  1. Mike and Miranda, Wesley is sooooo adorable! I hope to meet him soon. I pray the health problems will disappear. You are all in our prayers, Love, Kay Gant
